Applying to our schools
View our Admission policies here:
Primary Admission Policies
Secondary Admission Policies
How to apply
In Year Transfers
For Applications at other times of the year (In-Year Applications) and the academic year 2024/2025. The White Horse Federation delegates the consideration of In-Year Transfer Application’s to the relevant Local Authorities. Our Local Authorities are: Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), Reading School Admissions Team, Swindon Borough Council (SBC) and Wiltshire LA School Admissions.
For further information, please follow the link for the School of Interest local Authority to view each policy for applications at other times of the year (In Year Applications):
Oxford County Council (OCC)
And to apply for an in-year transfer to a WHF School within OCC please follow this link:
Reading School Admissions (Brighter Futures)
Swindon School Admissions
Wiltshire Council
Proposed Secondary Admissions Policy 2026-27
There is a requirement for our Trust, which is its own admitting authority to consult upon their forthcoming admission arrangements, as laid out in School Admissions Code - September 2021.
The White Horse Federation is carrying out consultation in relation to our Secondary school's Admissions Arrangements for 2026/27. The consultation period is now open and will end on the Wednesday 11th December 2024. Please review our Proposed Secondary Admissions policy attached.
If you wish to raise any concerns or have any questions, please contact: [email protected] before the consultation end date.
A copy of this "proposed" policy will be published our Trust and Secondary school's websites.