During the early part of the spring term, the Trust was involved in the National Institute of Teaching's (NIoT) National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) Ofsted inspection. The Trust's involvement was due to their role as an Associate College of the NIoT and their delivery of a range of NPQ courses, including NPQ Senior Leadership, NPQ Leading Behaviour and Culture and NPQ Leading Teaching. The inspection involved participants, facilitators and the teaching school lead, and the Trust hosted an inspector as part of the process.
We are delighted that the outcome graded the NIoT NPQs as ‘Outstanding’ in all categories, reflecting not just the high quality of the courses and structure but the skill and experience of our own Trust course facilitators.
The Ofsted 2024 report noted that; “As the programme progresses, participants gain deep insights into their own development, and crucially how they can bring about sustained improvements in their own schools.” Furthermore, it was noted that; "Expert facilitators are always on hand to guide participants through the theoretical principles of educational leadership and how these can be contextualised and applied".
National Institute of Teaching Chief Executive Officer Melanie Renowden has said: “While it is pleasing to receive such a positive final judgement, what is perhaps most rewarding is to see our collective vision for NPQs reflected in the words of inspectors. We are particularly delighted to see the NIoT’s commitment to being school-led coming through so strongly.
I’m thrilled that our partners were also highlighted, as the quality of our NPQ programmes rests on the work of the school leaders teaching on our programmes, our Founding Trusts and our Associate Colleges. This, combined with the dedication of our participants - who put their learning into action to enact positive changes in their schools - means their headteachers see immediate and positive in-school impact for school leaders, teachers and children.”
Teaching School lead Victoria Stevens said, "I am incredibly pleased at the outcome of the inspection, and want to take the opportunity to thank all of the participants on our NPQ courses for their commitment and effort.
Also to thank our course facilitators, all of whom are current or recently serving trust Principals/Headteachers and provide high quality delivery to their cohorts, and the ability to contextualise learning in a way that can directly benefit participants understanding and the children that they teach."
For further details on the inspection - https://niot.org.uk/news-events/Ofsted-outstanding-NIoT-NPQs